Israel Firstfruits has posted 2 jobs
Israel Firstfruits Center for Economic Advancement (IFC) was founded in 2012 as a development agency for believing entrepreneurs, business leaders and marketplace professionals in Israel. Operating both internationally and domestically, IFC actively promotes the Body of Messiah – Jew, Arab and Gentile – and the importance of redemptive enterprise in Israel and around the world.
Additionally, IFC has grown into a global tribe of like-minded believers who come together to support, empower and equip Jewish and Arab believers in Israel, and advance the Kingdom of God through redemptive enterprise.
We advance the Kingdom of God by empowering marketplace leaders and growing businesses in Israel.
Our vision is see the Body of Messiah in Israel flourish and prosper, fulfilling its mandate to bless Israeli society and the nations.
Our mission is to empower the Body of Messiah in Israel economically by:
- Equipping people to be fruitful steward of their gifts and effective influencers in the marketplace
- Encouraging business formation and growth
- Providing an incubation framework for national projects
- Address Grapevine, TX, USA